Action Technical Consulting Inc.

Fall 2022 – 2023

freelance project

Freelance UX/web project for a software development service, increasing their web traffic by over 300%.


UX & Web Designer


10 weeks


Live Website




Figma, Webflow

Case study in progress!

Project Overview

In Fall 2022, I was hired by Action Technical Consulting (ATC), a software development service in Seattle, to redesign their website. They needed their new website to showcase their successful projects and expertise and attract new clients.

Project Highlights:

  • Research: competitive audit & usability testing
  • Designed low and high-fidelity wireframes & prototypes
  • Branding: Logo design & color palette
  • Built and published website using Webflow

Action Technical Consulting simply needed to gain more business. Their existing website was outdated and did not showcase their expertise in past projects, resulting in low contract opportunities – measured by low traffic to their site and customer contacts.


I helped define Umee's core values then developed branding guidelines and a design system to ensure future designs embody the essence of Umee.

Project Goals
User Goals

ATC's clients need to see that Action Technical offers the best contracting solution for their specific software engineering needs.

Stakeholder Goals

Establish ATC company branding and market their superior expertise over competitors. Garner new long-term clients.

Metric: Increased web traffic and customer contacts.

Metrics of Success

I used Google Analytics to analyze ATC's web traffic. ATC told me how often they were contacted every month through their website (virtually 0 contacts).

Web Traffic bar graphcontact bar graph

Research came in two parts: a heuristic analysis of the existing website, and a competitive audit.

Competitive Audit

I needed to understand how ATC's competition marketed themselves to potential clients, specifically in how they presented their projects.

ATC provided me two companies they compete with for local projects.

Fresh Consulting provided the best reference for visual design as it met current design and accessibility standards.

Heuristic Analysis

From these audit insights, I analyzed ATC's current website, which hadn't been updated in 15 years.

ATC's existing website hadn't been updated in 15 years, which provided me a clean slate to build from.

User Flow

I developed a user flow to see how ATC's potential clients would natively search for LabVIEW engineers.

Assumptions: Seattle-based.


I referenced Fresh Consulting's successful design practices:

  • Large, bold text for high priority information for user.
  • Imagery as visual aids for complex technical processes.
  • Case studies showcasing projects succinctly, but offering detailed descriptions.
  • Minimalist design and color scheme – primarily grayscale with a accent color for Call-To-Action.

High-fidelity wireframes designed in Figma.


Showed users that ATC serves the Seattle area.


The use of "A" and Space Needle "T" provided a catchy, memorable design.

Logo Design

ATC lacked a logo, which we both felt hindered their marketability online. It was important the logo was memorable and represented them as a Seattle-based consulting company.

I iterated on designs using "A" and "T" to ensure it fit with their brand. ATC liked the idea of including the Space Needle. I realized that the Action Technical "A" was most pertinent to see, so I scaled down the "T" Space Needle, ultimately resulting in this final design:

Final Logo Design:
Building & Publishing in Webflow.

From the Figma design file, I built the new site in Webflow. I had to make ensuring the website met web accessibility performance standards like alt text, and loading times.

I built animations into interactions so that users had a more immersive and memorable experience.

Live Website

ATC was very happy with the redesign of their website. They felt the new design represented their brand and services.

Metrics of Success

The success of Action Technical's new website relied on its metrics. I used Google Analytics to measure web traffic and contacts before and after the redesign:

Web Traffic bar graphcontact bar graph

There was an over 300% increase in web traffic, and even greater increase in contacts after the redesign.

Action Technical Consulting was very pleased with the redesign of their site. The web metrics demonstrate that my work improved the user experience and increased user trust in ATC's services.


I led 2 participants in a moderated usability study across the prototype. KPIs:

  • Navigating to contact form and successfully sending message.
  • Finding contact form and successfully sending message.
Usability Testing

I led 2 participants in a moderated usability study across the prototype. KPIs:

  • Navigating to contact form and successfully sending message.
  • Finding contact form and successfully sending message.
Project Takeaways

My clients goals for this project were to increase web traffic and contacts.

Personal Achievements

  • Designed wireframes founded on user insights and product needs for newsfeed feature - primary home screen on iOS app.
  • Led handoff for a primary app feature to development team.
  • Ideated challenge of invite system diagnosing needs of our userbase
Quantitative Results

Action Technical Consulting reported a 300% increase in traffic to their new site and a significant increase in consulting contacts through their site.

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